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GitOps approach with Flamingo, the best of both worlds

·7 mins
gitops flamingo flux argocd cd kubernetes
Romain Boulanger
Romain Boulanger
Cloud Architect with DevSecOps mindset
Table of Contents


When it comes to deployment in Kubernetes, it’s hard not to mention GitOps. Indeed, this practice is tending to become standardized and the most widely used approach.

To introduce this concept very quickly, Git will contain our deployment files (Helm charts, Kustomize files, YAML files, etc.) and the contents of this code repository will be synchronized thanks to a tool installed beforehand in the cluster. As you can see, Git will become the source of truth for the desired state of our objects.

Another advantage of Git is the readability aspect, where everything is traced with commits within the source manager, making it possible to validate new components or updates through Merge Requests or Pull Requests.

Which tool to choose?

If we take a closer look, two tools are particularly widely used: Argo CD and Flux CD. Both have been awarded Graduated status by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) thanks to their maturity and use in production contexts.


Although similar in their GitOps approach, these two tools do have a few differences.

When it comes to synchronization, Argo CD’s default operation is manual, requiring a user action to trigger it, whereas Flux CD is fully automatic by default.

As a general guideline, we will use a Merge/Pull requests system, synchronising only the main branch.

For reconciliation in the event of drift, Argo CD offers certain options which are optional, whereas Flux CD uses a totally automatic reconciliation loop with no parameter setting, particularly for Kustomize.

More conveniently, it is possible to select the resources to be synchronized with Argo CD, while Flux CD will take the entire contents of the code repository.

When a rollback is made, the behavior is different, especially on Helm charts. Thanks to its controllers, Flux CD can go back to an earlier version of a chart, whereas Argo CD, will use a commit number to go back to an earlier version because it applies the contents of the helm template command.

Least but not last: permission management. Flux CD uses Kubernetes’ native role-based access control (RBAC) layer, whereas Argo CD integrates its own system, in the form of a ConfigMap with groups, roles and permissions definition.

We’ll look at the main advantages of the two tools later, but the idea is to compare several key points.

Flamingo, the union of two worlds

Why choose when you can have both? That’s what Flamingo offers, sponsored by Weaveworks, while remaining totally open source.

Flamingo builds on the strengths of Argo CD:

  • A streamlined User Interface for visualizing deployed resources. This can be seen as a control tower for all deployments;

  • Custom Resource Definitions** (CRDs) such as AppProject, Application and ApplicationSet, which enable us to isolate and deploy our resources with a wide range of settings and options.

But also with the performance of the Flux CD reconciliation engine, based on controllers. Whether it’s for Helm, Kustomize or even Terraform with the tf-controller for deploying infrastructure as Code on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud or other GitOps platforms.

To put it simply, Flamingo is a modified Argo CD on which it is possible to take advantage of the Flux System for Argo (FSA), enabling the Flux CD reconciliation loop to be used instead of the Argo CD reconciliation loop. However, this choice is completely configurable.

Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible to use both methods (Argo CD or FSA) within the same instance for different deployments: compatibility is fully managed and maintained.

To use the Flux System for Argo, you need to configure two synchronisation options in your Applications or ApplicationSet:

  - AutoCreateFluxResources=true
  - FluxSubsystem=true

To conclude this section, here is a summary of the possibilities offered by Flamingo:

Flamingo diagram

Now it’s time to discover Flamingo!


To install Flamingo and do it by yourself, you will need a Kubernetes cluster, the command line tools Flux and Flamingo.

Note that Flamingo can use an existing Argo CD installation as explained in this guide.

This is what I recommend for a permanent installation using the Argo CD Helm chart. This will need to be overloaded with Flamingo images for all components (argocd-server, argocd-repo-server, etc.) as there is currently no official chart.

Personally, I use a kind cluster with two nodes (controlplane and worker) using the following configuration:

cat > kind-flamingo.yaml <<EOF
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
kind create cluster --config kind-flamingo.yaml --name flamingo

The first step is to install Flux CD inside the cluster:

flux install

Then Flamingo:

flamingo install --version=v2.8.6

Once installed, the argocd and flux-system namespaces are created:

$ kubectl get ns
NAME                 STATUS   AGE
argocd               Active   90s
default              Active   3m49s
flux-system          Active   2m35s

Interestingly, within the argocd namespace, the images of the main Argo CD components are replaced by those of Flamingo:

$ kubectl -n argocd get deployments argocd-server argocd-applicationset-controller argocd-notifications-controller argocd-repo-server -o yaml | grep image:

Let’s take a look at the GUI, but first we need to retrieve the password set during installation.

Flamingo has a out of the box command to get the password associated with the admin user:

flamingo show-init-password

You can use the port-forward command to access the user interface without needing to configure a NodePort service or an Ingress :

kubectl port-forward -n argocd svc/argocd-server 8080:443

The Argo CD interface is identical except for the logo, which has been changed.

Flamingo UI


Once the installation is complete, the aim is to test two deployments:

  • The first uses the classic Argo CD functions via an Application that installs a Helm chart;
  • The second is like the first one but will contain the two options mentioned above, such as AutoCreateFluxResources=true and FluxSubsystem=true to get the Flux System for Argo (FSA).

For this example, I chose to use the Helm Traefik chart, which is my favourite Ingress Controller! To do so, here are my two deployments in Application format:

  • Traefik with the reconciliation version Argo CD
cat > traefik-without-fsa.yaml <<EOF
kind: Application
  name: traefik-without-fsa
  namespace: argocd
  project: default
    chart: traefik
    targetRevision: 25.0.0
      releaseName: traefik
      values: |
          type: NodePort        
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true
      - CreateNamespace=true
    namespace: traefik-without-fsa
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'

There’s nothing very complicated about this, just specify the chart, its version and the url for retrieving it, as well as specifying the local cluster for install it. The values section avoids using the LoadBalancer mode, because it cannot be deployed natively with kind.

On the syncPolicy side, automatic mode for synchronisation has been configured with remediation (selfHeal) and deletion of old resources (prune).

  • Traefik with reconciliation version Flux CD
cat > traefik-with-fsa.yaml <<EOF
kind: Application
  name: traefik-with-fsa
  namespace: argocd
  project: default
    chart: traefik
    targetRevision: 25.0.0
      releaseName: traefik
      values: |
          type: NodePort        
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true
      - CreateNamespace=true
      - AutoCreateFluxResources=true
      - FluxSubsystem=true
    namespace: traefik-with-fsa
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'

No major difference beyond our two configured options.

Now it’s time to apply our two files within the cluster with the command kubectl create -f:

kubectl create -f traefik-without-fsa.yaml
kubectl create -f traefik-with-fsa.yaml

Comparing the traefik-without-fsa Application with traefik-with-fsa, we can tell that two additional objects are created: HelmRelease and HelmRepository correspond to the objects handled by the Flux CD controller.

Traefik deployed with Flamingo

$ kubectl -n traefik-with-fsa get
NAME               URL                                AGE     READY   STATUS
traefik-with-fsa   4m19s   True    stored artifact: revision 'sha256:fc9276fb5f5dbcbf524bdd84ce67771c128fdfeb598208e3b6445062e4d79d37'
$ kubectl -n traefik-with-fsa get
NAME               AGE     READY   STATUS
traefik-with-fsa   4m37s   True    Release reconciliation succeeded

It is indeed the FSA reconciliation loop that used the Kubernetes objects when the second Application was created.

Due to the early release of Flamingo, some parameters are not yet supported, such as the valuesObject field which doesn’t pass overloaded values to the CD Flow controller, so values should be used as in the example above.

Finally, if the traefik-with-fsa Application is deleted, objects handled by Flux CD are not deleted automatically. This behaviour is totally normal for the moment. This is because the configuration is translated into the Flux CD language and it is Flux CD that handles the object lifecycle independently of the Application lifecycle.

A final word

Flamingo appears to be a tool that bridges the gap between the two references of the GitOps world in Kubernetes.

By having pros of both sides, it ensures that Argo CD enthusiasts won’t get confused by having huge deployment possibilities offered by the Application and ApplicationSet objects.

For Flux CD fellows who want to keep having customised controllers like Terraform and the tool’s own reconciliation loop, this will be an opportunity to have a centralised view of deployments carried out on the cluster.

However, Flamingo is still a fairly early tool that needs to be tested before it can be used in production contexts.


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